Faces Behind the Code

In this corner of our virtual world, let us introduce the incredible personalities shaping the Brunei R User Group.

Meet the Brunei R User Group Community

Chair: Dr. Haziq

Dr. Haziq leads the Brunei R User Group, overseeing the overall direction and strategy. With a focus on community engagement and collaboration, he ensures the group’s initiatives align with its mission of promoting R programming and fostering a supporting learning environment.

Vice-chair: Wafid

Wafid, as the Vice-chair, works closely with the Chair to execute the group’s vision by taking a hands-on approach, coordinating events, and supporting members, ensuring the smooth functioning of the group’s activities.

Secretary: Amira

Amira serves as the Secretary, managing communication and documentation. She is responsible for keeping minutes of meetings, handling correspondence and ensuring information flows within the group.

Head of Finance: Dr. Lutfi

Dr. Lutfi, as the Head of Finance, oversees the group’s financial matters. This includes budgeting for events, managing expenses, and exploring funding opportunities to sustain and enhance the group’s activities.

Deputy Finance: Hanima

Hanima assists Dr. Lutfi in financial management, working collaboratively to maintain accurate records and transparency. She plays a key role in ensuring responsible fiscal practices for the sustained growth of the Brunei R User Group.

Head of Logistics: Hafeezul

Hafeezul takes charge of logistics, ensuring the smooth execution of events and meetups. From venue coordination to participant logistics, he works diligently to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for members.

Head of Media: Jadot

Jadot manages the media presence of the Brunei R User Group. From social media to official communications, he curates engaging content, highlighting the group’s activities and building an inclusive online community for members.

Join Us!

The Brunei R User Group is not just about coding; it is about building connections, sharing knowledge, and fostering a collaborative spirit. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, there is place for you in our community. Join us in unravelling the possibilities of R programming and data science!